The Push Pull

I’m feeling a push-pull these days. This evening is the winter solstice here in New Zealand. The southern hemisphere are in the depth of winter, while our friends to the north bask in their longest days of the year. Down here, it’s dark. We nestle into our cozy knits, cradle warm drinks, and light our candles. It's a time of deep inner stillness while the storms descend outside. We’re hibernating and feeling oh so ready for the return of the light. We are coming to terms with the reality of our borders remaining closed for some time longer. We may be feeling ready for the metaphorical & literal light at the end of a very long tunnel, but we haven’t turned that final corner just yet.


Meanwhile, as I’ve been crafting our next offering of Invest 31, there’s been a request to address the push-pull simultaneously being felt in the northern hemisphere, as things “open up” once more. There’s been a long, long wait up there too, and it finally seems a little safer to make plans, to venture out, to plan a trip, to reunite. Let’s acknowledge that this is a lot, and we are each a lot different than when this all began. Let’s re-emerge with care. This round of Invest 31 will be giving good attention to doing just that, no matter where you are in the world. In New Zealand, even though we “opened up” over a year ago, while our borders remain closed, the ripples of the pandemic remain very real.


There’s another tangible transition underway. As we mark the halfway point of the year, I’m surrounded by people for whom the “coming together and coming to fruition” is very real – jobs, relationships, goals, alignment…and I’m celebrating this for each person who has shared their good news – celebrating how something they’ve been working and wishing and waiting for is coming into sight.

Now is simply a very natural point to pause and reflect. How far have I come? How far do I have to go, and to where? There’s the whole last year and a half to untangle…and also just the first half of this year. I’ve moved to yet another new town, started yet another new job, moved into yet another new home, started yet another new set of friendships.

If you’d like to join us when the next round of Invest 31 begins - 9 days from now - we’d love to have you. We’ll offer accountability and journal prompts, and we’ll celebrate whatever you'd like to focus on for your 31 minutes a day. Maybe you'll read. Maybe you'll write. Maybe you'll walk. Maybe you'll stretch. Maybe you'll change activities each day, maybe you'll chip away at one thing consistently. You can choose how you'll tend to your heart and soul, and we'll support you! If you'd like to join us, simply head to to register. See you July 1.