“Why Wellington?” The perennial question asked by everyone I meet, articulated somewhere on the spectrum between keen curiosity and utter bewilderment. Perhaps they are wondering why I would ever leave beautiful BC. Others might simply want to know what drew me here of all places.
So I launch into the usual spiel... I have a known proclivity for capital cities (i.e. Victoria, Ottawa, Olympia, Boise). It’s a nice, manageable size for getting around on foot but still has plenty going on. A vibrant arts and intercultural scene, outstanding ethnic food (always a priority), and people who pride themselves in being coffee snobs. Geographically nestled between hills and ocean (a winning combination) where leading an active lifestyle is prized. And it helps that I had heard unanimously good reviews of Wellington, often denoted as the “coolest little capital.”
Despite all these reasons, I know deep down my answer is lacking. You see, I moved to Wellington two and a half months ago with no memory of having been here before. I didn’t know a single soul in the city nor did I have a job lined up. Was it scary? Absolutely. And at the same time, I felt 100% certain that it was the right choice.
Some might describe it as a gut feeling or something you feel in your heart-of-hearts. It can be difficult to put into words but when you know, you just know. You know? For months, I had been fixated on the idea of Wellington, not based on logical facts or prior experience. I told myself and others that I was open to living and job searching anywhere in NZ, but if you looked at my Google search history, there was only ever one location I kept coming back to. It felt like I had no choice but to find out what Wellington was all about for myself—to go for it. So I did.
In the 10 weeks I’ve been here, there have been some exceptional pie-in-the-blue-sky days and a few epically turn-your-world-upside-down-windy ones, too. (As a side note: I’d been warned about the wind in Wellington, but was wildly underprepared to contend with this very real force of nature.) Yet over and over again, there have been signs and angels confirming I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. As I’m learning to trust more readily, I’m realizing that the best way to receive good is to have your heart wide open to it.
When you take a moment to pause, to sit quietly with yourself, what beckons you? Maybe it’s a “gentle nudge” or perhaps it rings loud and clear. Whatever it is, even before you’ve given voice to it, I urge you to listen to it, nurture it, let it grow. If it comes from the heart, it can’t help but take expression in a truly beautiful form.
No doubt I’ll continue to discover compelling reasons for me to be in Wellington, but so far the greatest one has been the joy of following the wisdom within.