
Why Wellington?

Why Wellington?

When you take a moment to pause, to sit quietly with yourself, what beckons you? Maybe it’s a “gentle nudge” or perhaps it rings loud and clear. Whatever it is, even before you’ve given voice to it, I urge you to listen to it, nurture it, let it grow. If it comes from the heart, it can’t help but take expression in a truly beautiful form.

Leaping and Landing

Leaping and Landing

Making mental and handwritten lists of all the wonderful, unexpected ways my needs have been cared for, the conversations sparked in coffee shops and checkout lines, the invitations to events I wouldn’t otherwise know about, the birds that never stop singing. These are the moments that make it all worthwhile, and far outweigh the moments of wondering and worrying. When I’m feeling thankful, I open up to possibility and I know that’s when things start coming together.