These are a few of my musings from the last four weeks or so. It’s a journey, and if I’m honest it feels a little strange to be writing en route, rather than upon reaching a destination. But here we are. And I think that’s probably the best place for us to meet – right here, where we are. As we are.
Taihape Farmstay
The farm embodies hearth in its gentle way of restoring the soul, grounding me in the soil beneath my soles with gratitude for all that it provides. Slowing me down so that I can hear the birdsong and take notice of the garden as it’s growing. It’s an idyllic way of being and it’s tough work, too, reminding me that good things take time, nurturing, and a whole lot of sweat. Their “come one, come all” hospitality manifested the tender comfort and genuine kindness that define home in its truest sense.
Nutmeg Logs
Leaping and Landing
Making mental and handwritten lists of all the wonderful, unexpected ways my needs have been cared for, the conversations sparked in coffee shops and checkout lines, the invitations to events I wouldn’t otherwise know about, the birds that never stop singing. These are the moments that make it all worthwhile, and far outweigh the moments of wondering and worrying. When I’m feeling thankful, I open up to possibility and I know that’s when things start coming together.
Seasons of Change
Tofino Magic
I began the year surrounded by radiant wonder women. Our getaway to the coast nurtured a time of new beginnings and imminent transitions. We walked and talked and laughed and explored and reflected and reminisced and basked in the sweetness that is having your heart hugged by soul sisters on all sides.