Hearth Sisters

Leaping and Landing

Leaping and Landing

Making mental and handwritten lists of all the wonderful, unexpected ways my needs have been cared for, the conversations sparked in coffee shops and checkout lines, the invitations to events I wouldn’t otherwise know about, the birds that never stop singing. These are the moments that make it all worthwhile, and far outweigh the moments of wondering and worrying. When I’m feeling thankful, I open up to possibility and I know that’s when things start coming together.

The Magic of Moments

The Magic of Moments

Life is a series of moments. All we have in this moment is, well, this moment. So often we are compelled to believe there’s something better coming in a future moment, leaving us less satisfied with the moment we’re in. Instead of acknowledging that we are living, breathing, thinking, dreaming, loving, being right here, right now, we place our chances for current contentment on hold in search of something better.

Tofino Magic

Tofino Magic

I began the year surrounded by radiant wonder women. Our getaway to the coast nurtured a time of new beginnings and imminent transitions. We walked and talked and laughed and explored and reflected and reminisced and basked in the sweetness that is having your heart hugged by soul sisters on all sides.